Volume 12, Issue 2 (vol-2 2006)                   Intern Med Today 2006, 12(2): 21-26 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (12589 Views)
Background and Aim: Emergency Laparatomy is a therapeutic and surgical method which is applied for many kinds of diseases especially abdominal trauma. Abdominal trauma (penetrating and blunt trauma) is one of the most common causes of emergency laparatomy. Some years ago all the patients with abdominal penetrating trauma underwent laparatomy but since the results were incredible and negative laparatomy had increased, some new criteria were determined for surgery and as a result the elective laparatomy replaced the obligatory laparatomy. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive prospective study on the patients who had undergone emergency laparatomy following the abdominal trauma. The data were based on the available dossiers in Hospital. Result: out of 138 trauma patients who had undergone laparatomy, 96 of them contacted blunt trauma and 42 penetrating trauma. The largest number of laparatomy patients was in the third decade of their life. The most common reasons for trauma were stab and car accident. CT scan and abdominal lavage were not used for any of the patients. In blunt trauma, clinical symptoms and examinations were used but in penetrating trauma just because it is penetrating, laparatomy was used. In penetrating and blunt trauma there were respectively 20 and 8 cases of negative laparatomy. The rate of mortality in traumatic patients was reported just 5 cases. Conclusion: 52.2% of laparatomy in blunt trauma was the result of car accident and 26.1% of laparatomies in penetrating trauma was the result of stab. This statistics show that social-cultural problems should be taken more seriously. The prevalence of negative laparatomy in penetrating trauma is the best reason for changing the obligatory laparatomy to the elective laparatomy, so being penetrative isn't sufficient for laparatomy
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Internal Medicine
Received: 2007/06/22 | Published: 2006/07/15

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